I need to create a angular gauge from ionic react app. I tried with column chart example & this was okay but when I create a gauge chart I got an error.
I hope you can help!!
import FusionCharts from "fusioncharts"; import Charts from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts'; import FusionTheme from "fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion"; import ReactFC from "react-fusioncharts"; //ReactFC.fcRoot(FusionCharts, Charts, FusionTheme); Charts(FusionCharts); const dataSource = { chart: { caption: "Pressure", captionontop: "0", origw: "380", origh: "250", gaugestartangle: "135", gaugeendangle: "45", gaugeoriginx: "190", gaugeoriginy: "220", gaugeouterradius: "190", theme: "fusion", showvalue: "1", numbersuffix: " MPa", valuefontsize: "25" }, colorrange: { color: [ { minvalue: "0", maxvalue: "0.2", code: "#62B58F" }, { minvalue: "0.2", maxvalue: "0.4", code: "#FFC533" }, { minvalue: "0.4", maxvalue: "0.6", code: "#F2726F" } ] }, dials: { dial: [ { value: "0.3", tooltext: "Moderate Pressure" } ] } }; const Metrics: React.FC = () => { return( <ReactFC type="angulargauge" width="100%" height="100%" dataFormat="json" dataSource={dataSource} /> ); }
Same here. Another component, same places...
Brandon Jaime
I need to create a angular gauge from ionic react app. I tried with column chart example & this was okay but when I create a gauge chart I got an error.
I hope you can help!!
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