Adding this to your chart object should do the trick
{ showTickMarks: 0, showTickValues: 0, majorTMHeight: 0, majorTMThickness: 0 }
1. Hiding the anchors for all the datapoints in the chart: set drawAnchors='0' in the <chart> element.
2. Hiding the anchors for a particular dataset in the chart:set drawAnchors='0' in the <dataset> element.
3. Hiding the anchor for a single point : set anchorAlpha='0' in the <set> element.
Oded Tal
I need to create a plain angular gauge. I was unable to find the attribute that removes all marks from the chart.
I'm attaching an image of the chart.
Also, is there a way to remove the white dot at the bottom of the dial?
Thank you,
Oded Tal