FusionMaps XT offers beautiful interactive maps to plot geographical data like revenue by regions, population by state, survey and election results effectively. It has over 965 maps including all continents, major countries and all US states. By default, FusionMaps XT does not ship with all these maps. To add these maps to your web application, please download the map definition files from the link below.

To Download the maps definition files click here.

How to use them?

  • Locate the fusioncharts folder in your web application, containing fusioncharts.js and fusioncharts.maps.js. It is imperative that these 2 JavaScript files are present in your web application to render any map.
  • Copy the /maps folder from this download package and paste it in your fusioncharts folder. This copies all the maps available in FusionMaps XT to your web application. If you need to render specific maps only, you can manually select those map definition files, and copy them to /maps folder in your fusioncharts folder.
  • You can now start building maps in your application. Each map can be referenced in the FusionCharts() constructor as maps/map_name (e.g., 'maps/california'). FusionCharts library automatically loads the relevant map definition files.